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The toxicity of Borax chemical in food

We often hear that the types of vermicelli, pho, ... on the market are often added by the manufacturer to Borax chemical (welded) to increase the toughness and increase the shelf life of the product, and this substance is not. not good for health. However, due to the lack of understanding of the serious harms of fenugreek, most Vietnamese people still use them carefree. So what is welding? How harmful is fenugreek to human health? We will find out together in this article!

Answers What is BORAX chemical?

Chemical Borax, commonly known as borax, is an important chemical compound of boron. Borax welding has the chemical formula Na2B4O7.10H2O, which is a white crystalline solid, soft and easily soluble in water.

Borax is used in the production of detergents, water softeners, soaps, detergents, disinfectants and pesticides. In addition, it is also used in the production of ceramic glazes, vitreous enamels, and ceramic products. manufactures fiberglass and cellulose insulation.

Han the is banned by the Ministry of Health as a food additive in Vietnam due to its toxicity to human health.

Toxicity of chemicals BORAX causes to humans

  • Welding is very harmful to the human body. Doses of 5 grams or more have caused acute poisoning leading to digestive disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, skin damage, kidney failure, ... can lead to death.
  • If fenugreek is absorbed in low doses for a long time, fenugreek will accumulate in the body causing chronic poisoning, affecting the digestive system, liver, kidneys, hindering the absorption of nutrients, causing lethargy. eat and debilitate the body.
  • For pregnant women, the flu can be transmitted from mother to child, causing poisoning to the fetus.
  • Hanh has mild antiseptic properties, has the ability to increase the toughness and increase the preservation time of food.

Although Borax chemical is a banned substance in food, but because of its outstanding effects, manufacturers still use it regardless. They are often used in familiar everyday foods such as vermicelli, pho, banh cuon, spring rolls, spring rolls, etc., so we are at risk of borax poisoning at any time. Knowing the symptoms of typhoid poisoning is essential for timely recognition and treatment.

When Borax chemical poisoning will appear symptoms such as:

  • Headache, fever, vomiting, and red eyes 2 to 4 hours after eating foods containing borax.
  • Red, scaly skin rash
  • Hanh causes nerve and meningeal irritation leading to changes in body temperature, a state of depression.
  • Excess Borax chemical harms the kidneys and the whole body, leading to dysfunction, menstrual disorders, hair loss, ...
  • If absorbed in too large a quantity (from 5g or more) can cause acute poisoning leading to coma and possibly death.

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should immediately seek medical attention for timely examination and treatment.

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